Monday, September 25, 2006

You may have mentioned this already...but am I an idiot???

Lewis Black is one of my all-time favorite comedians. He does a great bit about the stupidest thing he'd ever heard. It won't ruin it for you if I say this so I'll tell you what it was. "If it weren't for my horse, I never would have spent that year in college." It's such a dumb statement that it will cause you physical pain in a day or two.

I bring this up because tonight I ran across a similar statement in an online forum. I'm pretty sure this is one of the dumbest statements I've ever read. It points out the fact that not everyone understands the difference between written and spoken word and has grasped the nuances of each form of communication. The line is

"You may have mentioned this already - What distro of Linux are you using?"

Seriously, you can't scroll up and read all of the previous three comments to answer the question for yourself? If only there were some record system in these forum things so I can hear what people said when I wasn't on my PC!

I read it on this page, while doing some vmware troubleshooting. It'll blow your mind and cause blindness within the hour.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

software evaluation made easy

VMWare rocks. It's always been an excellent virtualization platform, but I never knew the extent of their support for Linux as a host OS. If you want to try out multiple distibutions of Linux but don't want to put any work into it, check out this site:

VMWare Virtual Appliances

I want my $1.50 back!

My company has a large corporate HQ. Something on the order of 11,000 employees in one of the four HQ buildings in town. To feed this mob every day the company has built two large cafeterias and contracts the service out to Eurest.

Eurest price gouges me. Not just me, the entire company. I know this because I've worked for other employers who have Eurest cater for them and I am charged $6.00 here for what sells for $4.00 at the blue-collar place. On top of that, they're raising their prices due to "increased fuel prices" (I thought they were already building that into their pricing structure, apparently not).

Today their credit card machines stopped working right as I was nearing my turn in the 15 minute cashier line. I didn't have any cash, so I had to get out of the line, go to the ATM, and then get back in an even longer line (due to the machines not working). I feel they owe me a lot already because of the prices I pay, but having to pay another $1.50 to use the ATM to get in a longer line to eat cold food because their machines go down crosses the line.

I want my $1.50 back.